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Event Details

When, Where & RSVP

Friday, October 25th
from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
(lunch will be served afterwards)

Boone Creek Farm
16659 Boone Creek Road
Licking, MO 65542

RSVP to Brandie Wilson
by Friday, September 20th, 2019
Email: or call (305) 779-6684

Please confirm the number of attendees, and what department or organization your team serves.

You’re used to thinking of the leaders as your seniors, your commanders, your directors, your brass.

But do you know that you’re a leader, too?

At your work, in your community, your home, your friendships;  wherever two or more gather, there is an opportunity for leadership.

View the Event Objectives

You’re used to thinking of the leaders as your seniors, your commanders, your directors, your brass.

But do you know that you’re a leader, too?

At your work, in your community, your home, your friendships;  wherever two or more gather, there is an opportunity for leadership.

View the Event Objectives
Want to grow as a leader?

The opportunity is now

You’re invited to Boone Creek Farm for a day of unpacking the timeless tools of Servant Leadership. The renowned Jim Hunter will be delivering an in-person and very personal approach to living and leading—as partners, as teams, as organizations.

This day of insight and influence is available to a limited number of men and women.

The cost? Only your most precious commodity: Time.
At 8:30 am, we’ll have coffee and make introductions in the Boone Creek Farm Design Center. From 9 am to 12 pm, Jim Hunter will work with us to peel back the layers of leadership. Then, on the patio at the main house, we’ll enjoy a first-responder sized lunch.

View the Event Objectives

Skill. Influence. Authority. Leadership.

We can all grow in understanding how to be a better leader.

And better leadership brings better organization, better community, better families.

Here is what you will learn with

The Power of Servant Leadership


Servant Leadership Principles

Learn the timeless and lifechanging principles of Servant Leadership.

Power and Authority

Learn the differences between leading with power and leading with authority.

Character and Habits

Learn the four-step process of character and habit development.

Servant Leadership Payoffs

Discover the professional and personal payoffs of Servant Leadership

The Implementation

Learn how to implement the principles of Servant Leadership into your life and organization.

Improving with Leadership Skills

Learn leadership skills that will improve productivity, creativity, commitment, employee retention, customer service, customer satisfaction, and the bottom line.

Successful Organizations

Learn the life changing principles being practiced in some of the most admired and successful organizations in America.

Leadership Overview

Videos of the James Hunter Experience

About Us

Your hosts

The Boone Creek Farm family has been coming to Texas County to “take the knots out of our ropes” since 1976. As entrepreneurs, we strive for excellence in everything we do. That pursuit of excellence is embodied in our company, EZ Street Asphalt. A quarter-century ago, we founded EZ Street to serve infrastructure repair professionals by providing a product that is faster, easier and less expensive to use. We serve markets as disparate as Licking, Missouri and New South Wales, Australia.

Boone Creek Farm

A decade ago, we created Boone Creek Farm as a destination getaway. It’s where we do life together with our friends, family, and business associates from around the world.

View Boone Creek Website

Jim Hunter

Jim is our leadership mentor. He has committed his career to teaching the precepts of Servant Leadership. A world-renowned presenter and the author of several best-selling books, Jim speaks truths into the lives of people within all types of organizations. He has been asked to speak to some of the most respected organizations in the world, from American Express, Proctor & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson, to the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the four branches of the US military.